Calender/Events/Training Classes
O.M.D Investigations &Security Services Training School Price Sheet
Phone (804) 245-0028 Fax (804) 551-9081
Unarmed Security Officer | 01E | $90.00 |
Unarmed Security Officer – In Service | 01I | $50.00 |
Armed Security Officer | 075E & 05E | $225.00 |
Private Investigator | 02E | $500.00 |
Private Investigator – In Service | 02I | $100.00 |
Arrest Authority | 05E | $60.00 |
Special Conservator of the Peace | 06E | $350.00 |
Special Conservator of the Peace – In Service | 06I | $125.00 |
Handgun Training | 07E | $110.00 |
Handgun (Re-Certification) | 07R | $75.00 |
Shotgun Training | 08E | $50.00 |
Shotgun (Re-Certification) | 08R | $50.00 |
Advanced Handgun | 09E | $250.00 |
Advanced Handgun (Re-Certification) | 09R | $150.00 |
Patrol Rifle Training | 10E | $250.00 |
Patrol Rifle (Re-Certification) | 10R | $150.00 |
Personal Protection Specialist | 32E | $575.00 |
Personal Protections Specialist (In-Service) | 32I | $100.00 |
Bail Bondsman | 40E | $425.00 |
Bail Bondsman (In-Service) | 40I | $150.00 |
Bail Enforcement Agent | 44E | $425.00 |
Bail Enforcement Agent (In-Service) | 44I | $150.00 |
Self Defense | SD101 | $100.00 |
Pepper Spray | PEP101 | $50.00 |
APS Baton | BAT101 | $50.00 |
Armed Security Officer Package | (01E,05E &075E) | $295.00 |
Baton, Pepper Spray & Handcuff | BAT 101 & PEP 101 | $175.00 |
Class schedule is on the website under calendar. However, if you call with advance notice, we can accommodate your schedule with 5 students or more.
Regulations for Classroom Behaviors
• Take responsibility for your education.
• Attend every class. Notify instructor in advance, if unable to attend.
• Be prompt. Show up to class on time.
• Turn cellular phones off. No texting and answering phone during class. Breaks will be provided to handle this.
• Respect your instructor and fellow classmates.
• Come to class prepared (reading done in advance, paper, and pen).
• Turn work in on time. Be remindful of due dates.
• Be tardy.
• Be respectful when others are talking. No private conversations during class.
• Text/talk on the phone.
• Dominate other students’ opportunities to learn by asking too many questions
• Talk over instructor.
• Do not bring children to class.
Student must pass any written examination with a score of 70% or higher.
Student must pass the range qualification with a score of 75% or higher in case of failing the range qualification student will have to pay the range fee plus ammunitions and administrate fee of $20.00.
In case of failing the test for 1st time student will have to retake the test within one week pay an administrate fee of $20.00.
In case of failing the test for 2nd time student will have to retake the class and pay full fee of the class.